Cuando pitos flautas
Fortune presents gifts
Not according to the book
Fortune presents gifts
Not according to the book
When you expect whistles it's flutes
When you expect flutes it's whistles
What various paths are followed
In distributing honours and possessions
She gives awards to some
And penitent's cloaks to others
When you expect whistles it's flutes
When you expect flutes it's whistles
Sometimes she robs the chief goatherd
Of his cottage and goat pen
And to whomever she fancies
The lamest goat has born two kids
When you expect whistles it's flutes
When you expect flutes it's whistles
Because in a village a poor lad
Has stolen one egg
He swings in the sun
And another gets away with a thousand crimes
When you expect whistles it's flutes
When you expect flutes it's whistles
Da bienes Fortuna
que no están escritos:
cuando pitos flautas,
cuando flautas pitos.
¡Cuán diversas sendas
Se suelen seguir
En el repartir
Honras y haciendas!
A unos da encomiendas,
A otros sambenitos.
Cuando pitos flautas,
cuando flautas pitos.
A veces despoja
De choza y apero
Al mayor cabrero,
Y a quien se le antoja;
La cabra más coja
Pare dos cabritos.
Cuando pitos flautas,
cuando flautas pitos.
Porque en una aldea
Un pobre mancebo
Hurtó sólo un huevo,
Al sol bambolea,
Y otro se pasea
Con cien mil delitos.
Cuando pitos flautas,
cuando flautas pitos.
Luis de Góngora
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